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Rules and Regulations

Tournament Rules UPDATE for 2024-2025

Wind Creek Bass Trail, Fantastic 4 and Moonlight Series

Additional Rules may apply for special tournament events/Benefits

PARTICIPANTS AND ELIGIBILITY: Participants should be at least 18 years of age. If a participant is under the age of 18 years, his or her partner must be of adult age and the adult partner must assume liability in all matters. All participants should familiarize themselves with Alabama Boating License Requirements prior to operating a gas-powered motor.


PRE-ENTRY: Boat numbers for launch sequence are determined as entry monies are received. Entries shall be provided the evening of the event. In Person Entry begins 1.5/2 hours prior to blast off. The tournament director or assistant director has the right to reject any tournament entry.


FEES: Entry fee $140 which includes big largemouth and big spotted bass. PAYBACK: The Payback is 1 place for every 7 boats (For all OGS Events excluding the Moonlight Series night tournaments out of DARE Park which is 1 place for every 6 boats entered) entered at 80% payback. At 50 boats entered first place guarantees $2,500 paid. At 60 boats all OGS incentives available (Nitro Rewards, Ranger Cup, Triton Gold, Tracker Rewards, Phoenix First Flight Tier II, Bass Cat Quest Tier II, Vexus RevRewards, Falcon Highflyers, Ikon Winners and Caymas Cash) for boat manufacturers. Skeeter Real Money awards at 60 anglers entered. Atlas Rewards available. Additional payouts may be added per tournament director discretion.


BIG FISH: Big fish will be determined by greatest weight of a single largest fish via common scale. No dead fish can be weighed as big fish. Only to those who have registered to be a part of the tournament big fish pot are eligible to win or have their fish considered to be weighed. Big Fish will be paid back 100%!


TEAM MEMBERS: Each boat is limited to two (2) team members (excluding Fantastic 4 Solo Trail, which is one angler per boat); a Boater and a Partner. A boater may fish alone if he or she so desires.


QUALIFYING FISH: OGS Tournaments is vested in maintaining our fishery on Lake Martin. A limit of fish will be five (5) black bass with a 12inch minimum, total length (spots included) on Lake Martin. Fish less than 12 inches brought to the bump tank will be removed from the 5 fish limit prior to weigh in at the scales. All other lakes must adhere to the minimum length rules set forth by the State of Alabama or the State of Georgia (West Point Lake and Lake Eufaula). Please read the rules of the water from each before you fish. All fish must be caught within tournament hours. No fish shall be taken from waters other than those waters obtainable by boat from the launch point of the tournament. No fishing may occur prior to official launch. Fishing period for this tournament will be from safe light to 3pm central for the first flight. Flights will be 15 minutes of additional time added for every twenty-five boats entered. NO CULLING PERMITTED AT THE DOCKS! Culling must be done prior to check in at the weigh-in site. No more than 5 fish in the live-well while the boat is on plane unless otherwise specified!


Points: Each trail has its own set of points structure. The Moonlight Series events start at 100 points for first place and drop one point per place until the last place weighed. A tenpoint drop from last place weighed for those who do not weigh fish. The Wind Creek Bass Trail and the Fantastic Four events start at 200 points and drop one point per place until the last place weighed. A ten-point drop from last place weighed for those who do not weigh fish. 


EXAMPLE: Wind Creek Bass Trail Points are accumulated as follows (see rules as well): 1st Place 200 plus 2 bonus = 202 2nd Place 199 plus 2 bonus = 201 3rd Place 198 plus bonus = 200 4th Place 197 plus bonus = 199 5th Place 196 plus bonus = 198 6th place on minus 1 point per place (195, 194, 193, 192, etc.) Boats that fish but do not weigh in will receive a 10 point deduction from the last place weighed (example last place 150, all boats not weighed 140). Classic/Championship Qualifiers for Wind Creek Bass Trail and Fantastic 4 Solo Trail Top 60% from each trail qualifies. Automatic Qualifier for the Fantastic 4 Solo Trail Championship with a victory in one of the four regular season events.


PENALTIES: .25 deducted for expired bass. Expired bass, while in the live well, must be weighed.  Big Fish must be live.


Forward Facing Sonor and Alabama Rigs: OGS Tournaments allows FFS and Alabama Rigs during our events. 


LEGAL METHOD OF TAKING BASS: Only artificial lures may be used. No live bait, prepared bait, electronic powered baits, cast nets, bread, or baiting pellets, will be permitted on or within tournament boats, except for pork strips, rinds or other baits like such baits. Only one (1) casting, spinning, or spin casting rod and reel combination may be used at any one time, others may be in boat, but only one rod per team member can be in use at any one time. The rod may not exceed ten (10) feet in overall length. All bass must be caught live and in a conventional sporting manner during tournament hours. Foul hooking of bass will not be permitted and shall not be included in the daily catch. Trolling is not permitted. Dip nets are permitted for their lawful intended use. Any violation of this section will result in immediate disqualification.


SPORTMANSHIP: All persons participating within the tournament must display only the highest form of sportsmanship and fairness. Any intentional actions conducted by any party to include retaliation of any previous action may lead up to and include verbal warning, written warning, disqualification of daily creel, and possibly the revocation of future opportunities to participate in any OGS Tournament events. All disciplinary actions taken by the director are final. All participants are subject to being asked to submit to an examination to determine the truth in any instance the director deems necessary. Refusal to or not making oneself readily available to submit to such examination will result in a disqualification. Such examination may or may not be on the date of the tournament. No protest will be received once the rewards ceremony has commenced.


BOATING SAFETY: All boats must meet all U.S. Coast Guard requirements. All boaters will abide by all Federal, State, and Local laws governing the operation of a vessel. Boats must be equipped with operable ignition kill switch. The safety kill lanyard must be affixed to the driver of the boat during those times in which the gas engine is in operation. Each competitor is required to wear an U.S. Coast Guard approved personal floatation device during times the gas engine is in operation. Each boat must be equipped with an operable live well capable of maintaining a limit of fish alive during tournament hours. No beverages containing alcohol will be allowed on any boat associated with the tournament during tournament hours. No person who has the appearance of being under the influence of an intoxicant will be permitted to occupy any vessel associated with the tournament. Any violation of the above safety rules will be grounds for immediate disqualification. No canoes, kayaks, air boats, or pontoon boats allowed. No fishing from an elevated platform during tournament hours.


RELEASE: In consideration of being permitted to participate in the above tournament, participants (Releasors), for themselves, their personal representatives, executors, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns, hereby release and forever discharge OGS Tournaments LLC, Team Fishing Series, and all of their officers, directors, employees, independent contractors, and all contributors, participants, volunteers, producers, and the their agents representatives, successors, and assigns, from all liabilities, claims, actions, suits, demands, costs and expenses, for bodily injury, death, and property damage which Releasors may have against them arising out of or in any way connected to with our participation in the tournament, including but without limit to all risks, known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, without regard to whether they are inherent in participating in a fishing tournament. Releasors understand that the Release is unconditional, full, and general, and that it includes all claims, whether caused by the gross or simple negligence, action, or inaction of any of the released parties. Releasors hereby further release the released parties from all claims whatsoever on account of first aid, treatment or services rendered to them in connection with participants in the tournament. This release is intended to as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Alabama, and if any portion of this Release is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall continue in full force and effect. Releasors understand and agree that fishing and boating are potentially hazardous activities that could result in injury to person or property or death. Releasors have carefully read this release and fully understand the contents of it. Releasors hereby authorize the use of the name and/or likeness as well as that of their boat, free from further consideration, for promotion and advertising purposes in any media form and reproduction, including but not limited to, radio, television, internet, newspaper, brochure, and video. These rules may or may not be all inclusive of all rules enforceable by this tournament series. As different situations may arise, judgement and common since will be applied to reach a solution to the issues being raised at the time. These rules will act as guidelines for those decisions when they can be applied. All decisions made by the director or assistant director are final. The rules are subject to change without written notice to its members and should be periodically reviewed by all members.


Payout Chart for the 2024-2025 Wind Creek Bass Trail on Lake Martin only! All other events based on the 1 in 7 places paid at 80% payback of $100.


1-59 Boats: 1 in 7 places paid with a payback at 80% (added funds implemented) of $100. 

60-75 Boats: 1st. $3,000, 2nd. $1,100, 3rd. $600, 4th. $400, 5th. $300, 6th. $300, 7th. $200, 8th. $2009th. $200

76-90: 1st. $3,000, 2nd. $1,100, 3rd. $800, 4th. $500, 5th. $400, 6th. $300, 7th. $300, 8th. $200, 9th. $200 10th. $200

91-105: 1st. $3,100, 2nd. $1,200, 3rd. $800, 4th. $700, 5th. $600, 6th. $400, 7th. $300, 8th. $300, 9th. $200, 10th. $200 11th: $150

106-120: 1st. $3,200, 2nd. $1,250, 3rd. $900, 4th. $800, 5th. $700, 6th. $600, 7th. $500, 8th. $300, 9th. $300, 10th. $200 11th. $200

121-135: 1st. $3,300, 2nd. $1,300, 3rd. $900, 4th. $800, 5th. $700, 6th. $600, 7th. $400, 8th. $300, 9th. $300, 10th. $200 11th. $200 12th: $200

136-150: 1st. $3,400, 2nd. $1,400, 3rd. $1000, 4th. $900, 5th. $800, 6th. $700, 7th. $600, 8th. $500, 9th. $400, 10th. $400 11th: $300 12th: $300 13th: $200 14th: $200



Moonlight Series Rules

©2019 by Mike Freeman. Proudly created with

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